Episode 64
Temple Walkowiak and AMTE Community Circles
May 25th, 2022
35 mins 47 secs
Season 3
About this Episode
Temple Walkowiak shares the origin story of AMTE Community Circles, and how and why AMTE members should get involved. She also talks about her role as an MTE, the importance of making goals explicit, and the importance of getting to know the people you are working with.
2021-2022 AMTE Community Circles
- MTEs who are the sole MTE at their institution
- LGBTQ+ inclusion in mathematics teacher education
- Statistics and data science teacher education
- Anti-racist teaching practices in mathematics teacher education
- MTEs of color
- Early career MTEs, including graduate students
Call for 2022-23 Community Circles
We would love to add more Community Circles driven by AMTE members. Here are the expectations for starting a Community Circle:
- You need at least three AMTE members who are interested and committed to participating in the Circle (you and two other members).
- The Circle will meet virtually at least four times across the academic year (approximately September, December, February, and May). One of these meetings should occur during the time of the Annual Conference.
- You need at least one person who is willing to be the Lead Contact between the Circle and the AVP for Membership. The Lead Contact:
-Communicates the meeting times, dates, and meeting links for distribution to the Membership.
-Ensures that attendance is taken at the meetings via a provided electronic form.
-Submits a brief annual report at the conclusion of the academic year that includes an overview of the Circle’s activities.
Submit your idea on this brief form for your Community Circle by June 15, 2022. The Lead Contact should submit the information, which should only take a few minutes. We look forward to starting more AMTE Community Circles!
Temple mentioned the VEAR-MI Project as well. Be on the lookout for results from this project!