Teaching Math Teaching Podcast
Conversations with math teacher educators stepping into the role of teaching math teachers
We found 1 episode of Teaching Math Teaching Podcast with the tag “early career faculty”.
Episode 94: Hyejin Park, Travis Weiland, Samantha Marshall, & Eunhye Flavin: Supporting the Good Work of Early Career Faculty
May 22nd, 2024 | Season 5 | 49 mins 14 secs
dissertation, dissertation award, early career faculty
Learning to teach math teachers better with Dr. Hyejin Park, Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Drake
University, Dr. Travis Weiland, Assistant Professor at the University of Houston, Dr. Samantha Marshall, Assistant Professor at North Carolina State University, and Dr. Eunhye Flavin, Assistant Professor at Stonehill College, as they share their experience and expertise as mathematics teacher educators and share their work on the AMTE Research Committee, more specifically the AMTE Dissertation Award, and the importance of getting involved and helping others get involved in organizational leadership!