Episode 26
Cathery Yeh: Advocacy in Mathematics Education and Beyond
September 10th, 2020
31 mins 16 secs
Season 1
About this Episode
Cathery talks about family activism; her family with others in her community created their own community-based organization, Los Alamitos Community United, and they in partnership with ACLU sued their own city. They won a lawsuit against the city's anti-sanctuary policies. In addition, they won the inclusion of ethnic studies curriculum implementation through K-12, as well as a High School graduation requirement. Cathery states that activism has transformed her view of mathematics education. Cathery also co-authored the book re-imagining the mathematics classroom and talks about that.
Miseducasian on Twitter: @MisEducAsian
Chapman's #MathPlay Activity Series on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCAQtS-Je35vZEaCqn7-wxw/
Tale of Two Noras resources: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PAktBO7Q-0DfqTpbqBP4aWajm1zO9-bZ