Teaching Math Teaching Podcast
Conversations with math teacher educators stepping into the role of teaching math teachers
Episode 56: The Transition Years: Supporting the Work
December 15th, 2021 | Season 2 | 53 mins 29 secs
dana center, launch years, transition years
Learning to teach math teachers better through an episode of The Transition Years.
The Transition Years focuses on the complexity and importance of the transition years, the last two years of high school and the first two years of postsecondary education, on the mathematics experiences of students. Listen in as Joel Amidon, Dr. John Staley, and mathematics education leaders share and interact around how their respective organizations are supporting the work around the transition years that has been coordinated by the Launch Years Initiative/Launch Years Mathematics Organizations Leadership Network.
Episode 55: Hollylynne Lee: Linking Data Science and Teacher Education
December 1st, 2021 | Season 2 | 44 mins 23 secs
Hollylynne Lee shares her story of what happens when you're not afraid to create something new. She describes the emerging field of Data Science, and provides practical advice for why and how listeners can incorporate Data Science into their work with mathematics teacher education.
Episode 54: Kyndall Brown: Moving Toward Greater Equity Through Statewide Professional Development and his Book, Choosing to See: A Framework for Equity in the Math Classroom
November 16th, 2021 | Season 2 | 31 mins 40 secs
Learning to teach mathematics teachers better with Dr. Kyndall Brown, executive director at the California Mathematics Project, as he shares experiences and advice on being a mathematics teacher educator and discusses a book he co-authored with Pamela Seda, Choosing to See: A Framework for Equity in the Math Classroom.
Episode 53: Jean Lee: Holistic View of Math Teacher Education and Get the Facts Out
October 27th, 2021 | Season 2 | 33 mins 30 secs
Learning to teach math teachers better as Dr. Jean Lee shares her experiences and advice on being a mathematics teacher/mathematics teacher educator and her work as chair of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Get the Facts Out Task Force, which is a partnership between four national societies to change the conversation around STEM teacher recruitment.
Episode 52: Thierry Elin-Saintine: Exploring Academic Identity as a Sense of Belonging
October 13th, 2021 | Season 2 | 36 mins 49 secs
Learning to teach math teachers better with author and mathematics educator, Dr. Theirry Elin-Saintine as we discuss his experiences as an educator and his book, Racial Inequality in Mathematics Education: Exploring Academic Identity as a Sense of Belonging.
Episode 51: W. Gary Martin: Getting the Facts Out on Math Teacher Recruitment
September 30th, 2021 | Season 2 | 36 mins 40 secs
Learning to teach math teachers better as Dr. W. Gary Martin shares his experiences and advice on being a mathematics teacher educator and his work with Get the Facts Out, a partnership between four national societies to change the conversation around STEM teacher recruitment.
Episode 50: The Transition Years: A Discussion with Dr. John Staley
August 27th, 2021 | Season 2 | 38 mins 53 secs
Learning to teach math teachers better through an episode of The Transition Years.
The Transition Years podcast focuses on the complexity and importance of the transition years, the last two years of high school and the first two years of postsecondary education, on the mathematics experiences of students. Listen in as Joel Amidon and Dr. John Staley provide an overview of the transition years, key topics and issues to consider around the transition years, and to preview upcoming programming aimed to equip mathematics education leaders to be local change agents to improve the mathematics experiences and outcomes for all students.
The Transition Years is brought to you by the Launch Years Mathematics Organizations Leadership Network, which is part of the Launch Years Initiative at The University of Texas at Austin – Charles A. Dana Center and is an Amidon Planet Production.
Episode 49: No Guilt Book Club - Teaching Math at a Distance: A Practical Guide to Rich Remote Instruction with Dr. Theresa Wills
June 30th, 2021 | Season 2 | 48 mins 59 secs
Wrapping up the Teaching Math Teaching Podcast No Guilt Book Club - May 2021 Edition with a conversation about the book, Teaching Math at a Distance: A Practical Guide to Rich Remote Instruction with, the book's author, Dr. Theresa Wills.
Episode 48: Paola Sztajn and Dan Heck: Activating Math Talk
June 17th, 2021 | Season 2 | 38 mins 18 secs
Paola Sztajn and Dan Heck discuss their book titled Activating Math Talk, 11 Purposeful Techniques for Your Elementary Students
Episode 47: Farshid Safi: Sense-Making and Adjusting
June 3rd, 2021 | Season 2 | 31 mins 15 secs
Farshid Safi shares how learning experiences and life experiences should be connected. We are all influenced by our life experiences where we are engaged in sense-making, exploration, adjusting, and working with other people towards a goal. These life experiences can inform, and be the setting for, learning experiences in mathematics.
Episode 46: Dr. Dorothy Y. White: ADVOCACY in Mathematics Teacher Education
May 20th, 2021 | Season 2 | 42 mins 58 secs
Learning to teach math teachers better with Dr. Dorothy Y. White we extend the conversation around Dorothy's talk she gave in receiving the Karen D. King Excellence in Advocacy Award at the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Conference in February.
Episode 45: Angela Barlow: Writing for Math Teachers
May 6th, 2021 | Season 2 | 31 mins 14 secs
journals, mathematics teachers, writing
Angela Barlow shares her insights about how we can use writing to share our ideas about teaching math teachers. We talk about the importance of being persistent, knowing your audience, and including laughter in your days.
Episode 44: Kyle Whipple: LGBTQ+ Inclusion in Mathematics Education
April 28th, 2021 | Season 2 | 25 mins 30 secs
Kyle discusses various forms of LGTBQ+ inclusion in mathematics education.
Episode 43: Marta Civil: What Does it Mean to be a Mathematics Teacher Educator?
April 15th, 2021 | Season 2 | 39 mins 6 secs
Learning to teach math teachers better as we extend the conversation around Marta's Judith Jacobs Lecture at the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Conference in February.
Episode 42: Megan Burton: We're All Learning on this Journey
March 18th, 2021 | Season 2 | 31 mins 44 secs
Megan Burton has good advice for those wishing to influence the future of mathematics teacher education. She shares her story of how she came to be a mathematics teacher educator, and later the president of AMTE.
Episode 41: Reimagining Mathematics Teacher Education with Dr. Naomi Jessup and Dr. Sandra Crespo
March 10th, 2021 | Season 2 | 47 mins 25 secs
Wrapping up the AMTE Annual Conference Opening Panel Discussion, titled "2020. Perfect Vision? Perfect Hindsight? Are We Ready to Reimagine Mathematics Teacher Education?" with Dr. Naomi Jessup, Dr. Sandra Crespo, and Dr. Joel Amidon.